Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Defeat the Heat

Once again, today was the best run in awhile. I ran the loop plus from Lloyd Hall to the Art Museum. That was the full scheduled 9 miles. I haven't run that far since the half marathon at the beginning of the month.

It was extremely hot and that had me a little worried. It was in the low 70s, after being in the mid 40s a week ago. I did drink before the run, but probably should've taken in more.

I started off slow, but picked up the tempo after a few minutes. I changed tempos throughout the run and that was a big help. I ran hard from about the grandstand to the Strawberry Mansion Bridge along Kelly Drive.

I then went slow for awhile. I picked the pace up again at the 44 minute mark on the way back. I made it a point to run hard for 10 minutes. By that time, I was at the Girard Avenue Bridge on West River Drive.

I cruised from that point on. A guy passed me, but he was going to quickly to try to hang onto. The change of paces was a big help. My legs felt good all throughout.

I did get side stitches. That's something I used to have problems with, but it hasn't been an issue much since I started running again. I think it was from eating hot dogs for lunch an hour and a half before the run. I also took a GU Energy Gel and I'm sure that didn't help.

The side stitches weren't a big issue until the cool down. I could barely run as I finished the loop and made it Lloyd Hall. I took a drink there and made it back to the Art Museum.

I was so thrilled to complete the run. I wasn't sure if I would be able to, especially after not feeling so great early on. I did have some chafing under my arm and a blood blister on my foot, but I survived.

My goal when I started running was to lose 25 lbs and get down from 180 to 155. Even though it wasn't my normal weight, I did hit 155 when I weighed myself after the run. I'm getting closer and closer to 155 being my actual weight. I still want to drop another 10 or 15 lbs though.

I'm very happy with my progress this week. I still don't feel too strong, but I've been able to complete my training runs for the first time in awhile. Hopefully that'll continue the rest of the week. I bought some orthodics today, but not sure if I'll use them now. My leg is still sore, but it's not a big problem. The stretching is really helping.

Tomorrow, I have a 5 mile run scheduled. I'll probably run an out and back along West River Drive. I'm holding out hope that I can finish the long run this Saturday.

9 miles - 1:16:02 (8:27 pace)

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