Friday, March 28, 2014

Drizzle Day at Saucon

Yesterday was a hard workout.  I was amazed at how well I recovered from it.  I had no problems heading into today's run.  The plan was to run 10 easy miles and get close to 50 miles for the week.  I haven't been to the Saucon Rail Trail in ages, so I headed there.

The weather was kind of a problem.  It wasn't raining hard, but it was coming down off and on.  It made choosing clothes difficult.  I knew wearing a jacket would be overdressed, but I did so anyway.  I wanted to stay dry.  The temperature was in the upper 40s.

I started from Water Street.  I planned to head out 5 miles and then come back.  The legs felt good at the start.  I was slightly worried because I had some issues running longer distances on this surface last year.  I cruised along with an 8:06 opening mile.

I came across a few walkers and joggers here and there, but not many people were out.  This is usually a busy trail, but not on this day.  It was simply too miserable I guess.  The effort didn't pick up in mile 2, but the pace did, as I ran a 7:36.  This trail is slightly uphill to start.  I still felt good, but I was fighting a slight headwind.

It seemed to take forever to get to miles 3 and 4.  Eventually, I got to them though.  I came to mile 4 right at the Upper Saucon Community Park.  I was starting to struggle as I headed toward mile 5.  Fighting the wind and being overdressed was catching up to me.  I was sweating quite a bit.

I headed onto the new section.  The stone by the library sucks and I struggled getting through it.  I ran on the grass next to the trail for some time.  I just focused on making it to mile 5.  I did that with a 7:37.

Heading back to the park, there is a lot of downhill initially.  The pace got quicker without more effort.  I ran a 7:10 sixth mile.  Things then got a little interesting.  A guy running around the park followed me up the trail.  I couldn't let him pass me, so I picked it up a little.  I doubt he'd run 7 minute miles anyway.

This was still only about a moderate paced effort.  With the downhills though, the times dropped.  Each of the next 2 miles were run at 6:52.  I tried to focus on each upcoming mile.

Being able to get to that 8th mile was great.  My pace dropped even more in the final 2 miles.  I kept watching my overall pace dip and dip.  Mile 9 was a 6:44.

I didn't feel like I was pushing on that last mile, but I guess I must've been.  I was starting to lose it a bit as I was sweating a lot.  I came through with a strong 6:34 and finished up right before the road crossing.

It was great to be done with the run.  Perhaps most importantly my legs didn't bother me at all.  I ran all of the final 4 miles under 7 minute pace and averaged under a 7 minute pace for the back half of the run.  I need more quality runs like this where I push a little, but not too much.

I'm now at 44 miles for the week.  I'm hoping I can get up to run with the BCR tomorrow.  That's always hit or miss for me though.  I do need to run 6 miles regardless.  I want to up my mileage even more next week.  It is time to kick it in gear during spring training.

10 miles - 1:12:29 (7:15 pace)

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