Friday, June 15, 2012

Post Surgery Update

Yesterday I had minor surgery.  It was a mix of news.  The bad news is that I did have a fistula, two in fact.  The good news is that one was already healing on its own and neither was that large.  Perhaps the best news of all was that I didn't have any pain.  I wasn't given a timetable on when I can run again, but I was told running could help it heal.

When I had fistula surgery the last two times, I was in a lot of pain before.  I was forced to stay at the hospital overnight and had pain and a long recovery afterward.  I was cut up pretty bad and it took a couple months to recover.  I was cut some yesterday and had some bleeding for the first day.  It will still take time to heal, but it won't be as bad as the last two times.

I feel as though I can already do most normal things.  It doesn't feel much different than before surgery.  Obviously, I was cut and still require some healing.  I'm going to take a couple days off from running and let everything get better.

I'm going to go out on Monday and give running a try again.  If it doesn't bother me, then I'll just jump right back into it.  If I need to back off a little or rest a bit longer, then I'll do that too.  If I don't have any problems, I'll be signing up for a bunch of races, including the Quadzilla 15k.

It wasn't quite the news I was hoping for, but it appears that my recovery won't be too long.  I'm very happy about that because I don't want to lose a lot of fitness.  I want to be strong and keep getting stronger.  I already started putting together my fall training plan with hopes that I can come back soon.  I definitely need to work in some more hills and speed to get stronger and faster.  Overall, I'm happy with how things have turned out thus far.  I'm also going to the doctor on Tuesday and should be getting on some Crohn's medicine again.  Hopefully that will limit my future problems.

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