The timing for the weather was perfect too. I want to run fast and get some 800 meter repeats in today. I didn't work today, so I headed out around lunch time. I went to the Saucon Rail Trail again, like I did last week. The plan was 6 or 7 repeats with a 400 meter active recovery in between. Shayne invited me to run a track workout with them tomorrow, but I was already prepared for a fast day today. Maybe in the coming weeks I will join them.
Of course I had on shorts and a shirt sleeve shirt. That was perfect. I saw quite a few runners out there today and they were overdressed. I bet a lot of them probably have been indoors all winter. One guy was run/walking shortly before I started. I ended up passing him early on.
I started off at Water Street as usual. I tried to keep the warm up mile very slow. I think sometimes I run that mile too fast. As I often say, I can tell in the warm up how good the run will be. My calves were slightly sore, but overall my legs and body felt strong. I knew it would be a good day. I guess this is what it feels like when you go into a speed session and you aren't overtrained. In the fall, I felt beat up before these type of workouts.
I didn't feel quite as strong at the end of the first mile as I did in the beginning of it, but I was still good and ready to go. I took off hard after that mile. I haven't run in good weather, so I really wasn't sure what to expect in terms of my time. There wasn't really much wind, but I was still breathing in cold air in this direction and that did make it challenging. I was happy to get through the first repeat at a 6:47.
Truthfully, I was hoping that I could be closer to a 6:30 pace throughout the run. Battling some wind and also going slightly uphill on the way out certainly made a difference. I tried to be very slow with my recovery segments, so that I could recover properly. The second fast segment was sure no picnic. I had to push quite a bit and the pace dropped to 6:53. It took a little work to keep it under 7 minutes. I'm still starting each repeat off strong and then fading a bit at the end.
I knew the third repeat would be my last in this direction. Even though I was getting worn down, I knew the other direction would be easier. That would be due to the lack of wind and the fact that I would now be running downhill. The goal of this third repeat was just to survive. I tried to keep it under a 7 minute pace, but that just took too much work. It ended up being a 7:01. A decent repeat, but the first half wasn't as strong as I had hoped. Running hard, but not going to hard and falling off the cliff can be tricky.
Turning around was a huge boost as I expected. At this point, I wasn't sure if I was going to run 6 or 7 repeats, but 6 was looking more likely. I just wanted to be solid in this fourth repeat and then I could gut out two more after that. I started off easy and it seemed like I was flying. Without much effort, I was around a 6 minute pace. I slipped as the repeat wore on, but it was still a speedy 6:45 pace. Not bad considering I left plenty in the tank.
The fifth repeat started like the fourth one. It was fast and again slipped a bit. I pushed more on this one than the last one though. That allowed me to come in faster with a 6:37 pace. I was starting to get a bit of a side sticker and my legs were getting sore. I definitely knew I had one more in me.
I wanted to leave it all out there in this last one. I started off with a decent pace, but began to slide. The pace was dipping to near 7 minutes. As I approached the final two tenths, I really hung it out there. I gave it about everything I had. I was fighting hard and managed to run this one at an impressive 6:38 pace.
After some recovery, I thought about trying to start a seventh repeat. I knew I wouldn't have much left though. I also didn't want to have to run another whole mile to cool down afterward. My cool down would now only be .75 miles. I packed it in and called it a day. As I was finishing up easy, I came to a headwind and was glad that I wasn't running hard.
I'm glad I battled through this day. I'm definitely more consistent that I was two weeks ago. Today, I wore a wristband that I made to get me through tough patches. Thankfully, I really didn't need it. The wristband has the date of my surgery last year. I often forget about that and don't think of it when I'm running. I need to use that as a reminder when I want to quit. I've battled and made it through tougher things than a hard workout or a race. I just need to remind myself of that.
One thing I am very happy about is how hungry I am. I have dreaded some runs over the winter just because of the terrible weather. However, I can't remember the last time I didn't want to run. I just enjoy it so much. I never skip days. I do move runs around if I need to, but that is it.
I don't have a set training plan right now and I kind of like it. There's no pressure to do this workout or that one. I do what I feel like doing. I am disciplined enough to challenge myself with this style of schedule. My main thing for the week is to run hard once, run at Trexler once, run a long run and then run with the LVRR group. That doesn't leave time for much else. Usually I am able to throw in another run.
Tomorrow is another running day. I think I'll head out to Trexler for that weekly run. I think the weather is supposed to be nice again. Maybe I can complete the entire loop. Thursday is the LVRR Group Run. I look forward to that.
6 miles - 45:55 (7:39 pace)
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