Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Difficult Conditions

I'm taking it easy and only running every other day.  The plan was for 5 miles today after coming back with 3 miles on Sunday.  I was about to head out the door and then I realized that I didn't charge my watch.  That meant that I had to wait another hour.  That also meant that I had to stay pretty local to get the run in before darkness.

Originally, I was going to try the D&L at Lehigh Gap.  It seems like that area might get a lot of sun and the path could be clear.  However, as I mentioned, I needed to stay local.  Even though I knew there would still be a lot of snow, I decided to just head to Jacobsburg.  I thought that could be fun.

It was fun, but not in the beginning.  I ran through the main area near the parking lot.  This area is heavily traveled, so all the snow was packed down.  The top surface was also icy because if it.  It made for some tricky running.  Where I could, I ran alongside the trail in the woods.

A guy was walking his dogs.  I saw him get out of his car as I was getting ready.  When I passed him on the trail, he told me to be careful.  I thought he meant because I was running near his unleashed dog.  Then I realized that he meant because of the trail conditions.  I guess he thought I was crazy trying to run on that stuff.  I guess he was right.

I continued along.  I wanted to loop across the road.  I don't normally go that route, but I have done it before.  It made for a long out and back.  Somewhere around half a mile, the snow had melted along the path.  That area was less traveled.

I turned and went up the slight hill.  Going up hills is just killing my lungs right now.  With all the time off, they struggle when I make them work.  I crossed the road and it was still some uphill.  I almost felt like I wanted to quit and I was only about a mile into the run.

This section then flattened out a bit.  There were still some rolling hills.  There was a lot of snow still covering this section.  It wasn't as slick though, so I was able to cruise along.  I was wearing my GoPro camera again, so I had some fun taking photos and video of the run.

I tried going a direction that I normally don't.  I quickly had to turn around though as my path was blocked by a downed tree.  I then took another path and shortly after that came to the road.  I was at around 2 miles at this point and quite exhausted.

I decided to just run along the road and back to the main parking lot.  I knew all along that I wouldn't be able to get 5 miles in.  I figured that I better at least get 3 miles again.  As I was running on the road, my lungs felt so much better.  Maybe it was the consistency of a smooth surface or that I was going downhill.  When I got near the Sober's Run area, I decided I would run there.  It is a flat area.

It was flat, but still quite snowy and not easy going.  There was some mud in this section too.  I turned when I got to the bridge and went along the dirt trail.  That was fun for awhile, but I decided to turn around.  I hit the 3 mile point when I got past the bridge again.

I just began heading back.  I knew I'd be running 4 miles.  At this point, both of my big toes really started to bother me.  My regular trail shoes were bothering me the last few times out, so I tried some older shoes.  I haven't worn those since 2010 and that was a mistake.  I guess they just weren't tight enough as my toes began to rub.

I toughened it out and headed back on the road.  There was a short hill on the road, but it didn't bother my lungs this time.  If not for my sore feet, I probably could've gone to 5 miles.  Instead, I headed back to the parking lot and back along the path to where I started the run.  When I hit 4 miles, I just stopped.  I could smell some weed nearby.  I guess someone was smoking in the woods.  I never did see them though.

It was a tough run, but certainly fun.  I do love running in snow.  However, I wish it would just melt.  It has been on the ground for over a week.  It was in the mid 40s again today, but I guess that isn't enough to get rid of snow in shaded areas.  Hopefully I can find somewhere clear to run the next few times out.

Thursday is the LVRR Group Run.  I don't expect anyone to show up, so I'll probably run alone.  Maybe I'll go on the roads, but I'd like to run on the trail at Sand Island.  Maybe if no one shows, I'll find somewhere else to run.  Since it will be dark, I'd really like it to be some place clear of snow.

Another cool thing happened last night.  I was looking for a 5k to run in February.  I happened to find one in Nazareth.  I had not signed up yet, but I "liked" their facebook page.  They got to 100 likes and decided to give away a free race entry.  I was the winner!  I planned on seeing if I could do some volunteering for it as well.  I love to help out in my home town.  Originally, I wanted to try to get back under 20 minutes again, but that isn't likely now with all the time I've taken off.  Now, I'll just see how it goes and run hard, but have fun.

4 miles - 35:48 (8:57 pace)

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