Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Jacobsburg Recovery Snow Run

I didn't recover as well from the Naked Bavarian as I did from HAT or some of my other 50Ks.  Maybe that was due to the extra 9 miles, more running during the race or just the cumulative effect of ultras in back to back weeks.  Whatever the case, I was quite sore yesterday.  Today was pretty good except again the top of my foot was bothering me from having my shoes tied too tight.

Things weren't that bad though, so I had to get out and run.  I decided on the short loop through the fields at Jacobsburg.  I figured that all the snow was probably gone in that area.  The problem was that I waited for the evening and it freaking began snowing again.  Snow on the last day in March.  It has been a crazy year for sure.  This wasn't small snow either, it was huge flakes.

The temperature was in the upper 30s, so I threw on shorts.  I wore my jacket over a lightweight long sleeve shirt.  I wore a visor too.  At times, I had my hood up.  Other times, it was too hot and I put it down.  I was a bit chilly and wet by the end, but at least it was a short 4 mile run.

I started off parking at the new building.  Some guy was in the main lot throwing snowballs at the only car in the lot (I guess his).  He was then stretching.  I saw footprints too, but I'm not sure if they were his.  He was the only one I saw during the whole run.  Funny how if it was a bright and sunny night the place probably would've been packed.

The scenery was so beautiful in the beginning, along the creek.  I'm not a huge fan of running in Jacobsburg, but few places can match the beautiful stretch along the creek.  It curves in and out and there are tall evergreens at one point.  It's a special place to run in the winter.

I cruised along and took pictures.  I was in no hurry.  I was surprised that even with stopping some, all the miles were run under 10 minutes.  I tried to soak in what is likely the last winter run of the year.

I got out of this beautiful section and headed to the open field.  The uphill here isn't too bad, but two days after an ultra it can be a slight challenge.  I cruised along.  I even walked at one point.  However, it wasn't that steep, so I began running again.

There were probably a couple inches on the ground already on the open field section.  It wasn't difficult running, but it did provide some resistance.  Maybe it lessened the impact for my broken down legs.

Things were starting to get chilly at this point.  I put my hood back up and focused mostly straight ahead.  When I did look off to the side, it was beautiful.  The tall grass/brush was coated in snow.  I know I likely won't see this again until December or January.

It was nice to cruise downhill in the last mile or so of the run.  I think I even ran a sub 9 mile then.  I got back to my car at 3.7 miles, but wanted to get to mile 4.  I ran through the main lot and back along the creek to 3.9 miles.  I then turned around and ran to mile 4 and walked back to the car after I was done.

It was a good recovery run and nice to enjoy snow for one last time.  I'm looking forward to spring, but dreading summer of course.  I could definitely go for some clear trails at the moment.

As I move forward, I need to bring more balance to my running.  Last year, I ran nothing but big miles in the first half.  In the second half, it was all about elevation gain.  Now, I want to mix both tough climbs and long runs, as well as get back to biking more (for strength without the impact).  I also want to sharpen up my speed a little with some shorter and faster runs.  Maybe I can improve overall by implementing all of this stuff.

I have no plan for tomorrow yet.  That probably depends on whether or not the foot feels better.  I'd love to do 10 miles or so if it does.  On Thursday, Angie and I are hoping to run together in the afternoon at Merrill Creek.  That will be fun as we haven't run together since the summer.

4 miles - 37:42 (9:26 pace) 298 feet of elevation gain

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